Friday, October 26, 2012

Don't know how to feel....

This article is about how Donald Trump offered Obama 5 million dollars for what ever charity he chooses if he can show his college and passport papers! Yes you heard right 5 MILLION DOLLARS!

I honestly do not know how to feel.One part of me wants to say, how rude! How can you disrespect the president like this! This is basically questioning if he is truly a US president.

The other part of me wants to say, what is the worst that is going to happen? Obama lied and he should be out of office therefore. OR 5 million dollars gets donated to a charity.

So Mr. President I understand it is a personal attack but boo hoo 5 million dollars will get donated to a charity so for the good of the country just get over it!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Romney? New Girl!

New Girl  creates a Romney son! This son brings girls drooling for the status and wealth the family is known to have. Though most television does not shine truth on history or current events it did hold some truth. The Romneny's are indeed part of the upper class  They are also Mormons which is why this "new Romney" was caught when he said he drank beers with his father. This episode was hilarious and reminded me to write something on this blog.

So say hello to Tugg Romney(;

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate Time! Is it Obama's care or Romney's the country wants...

This political cartoon is referencing the first presidential debate this year! It took place yesterday, and boy was it entertaining....

Here we see  the moderator standing in the back requesting to ask his question. However, the moderator is suppose to be in charge, and does not have to resort to requests.

Here we also see Romney standing there elbowing the moderator back. Saying "I'm in charge here,". This is a reference to Romney's over-talking of the moderator, and trying to take control. Romney is depicted as a bully.

Obama is standing their with his mind on something else, and that something else is not how our embassy was bombed or what his next statement should even be, but his wive's anniversary. Obama opened up his questioned wishing Michelle a happy anniversary  While some Americans find that heart warming others find it   the opposite because Obama should be addressing the questions not stating something that has no bearings to them.

It has been stated that Romney "won" the debate. If you have not yet watched this debate I will post a short video with some highlights here. Well, just the education and business primarily because that will have the biggest effect on our lives as teenagers. Both of the presidential candidates like I stated in an earlier post both value education. Romney thinks it should stay at the local level and they can form rules and regulations from there, but Obama thinks it is the federal governments job to get involved.